2020-2-27 · ping就是对一个网址发送测试数据包,看对方网址是否有响应并统计响应时间,以测试网络的连通性。ping值是指,从PC对网络服务器发送数据到接收到服务器反馈数据的时间。一般以毫秒计算。一般来说,ping值越小说明网速越高,一般10以下是最好的网速。
CS:GO Ping Test is a web-based utility that pings Counter-Strike: Global Offensive servers. It provides you the capability to check your ping to CS:GO game servers externally. CS:GO ping checker uses HTTP requests to measure the ping and displays ping stats for each server. Free Ping Test Tool - Ping your server or website Site24x7 offers easy, affordable and effective website monitoring service that lets you monitor your website, server, network, mail server, DNS server and more from 35+ global locations, round-the-clock. You get instant alerts when your website/server goes down via Email, SMS, RSS and Twitter. Sign up for a free 30-day trial today. ping值_百度百科
What is ping: ping is method to measure minimum time needed to send smallest possible amount of data and receive response. For ping test are used ms units (1000 miliseconds = 1 second). Usual values for optics of cable connection is 5-20ms.
2020-7-10 · 测速网(SpeedTest.cn)为您提供在线免费网速测试,Ping测试,路由测试优质服务,拥有海内外,网通、联通、电信、移动、长城宽带、鹏博士等多个全面速度测试点,欢迎您的使用。 Linux ping命令 | 菜鸟教程 - RUNOOB.COM Linux ping命令 Linux 命令大全 Linux ping命令用于检测主机。 执行ping指令会使用ICMP传输协议,发出要求回应的信息,若远端主机的网络功能没有问题,就会回应该信息,因而得知该主机运作正常。 语法ping [-dfnqrRv][-c][-i][-I][-l][-p][-s][-t][主机名称或IP地址 Ping test - www.netmeter.eu
This speed test uses WebSocket technology for accurate measuring your real Internet connection speed. The best server is automatically selected when you start the test. The following parameters are measured when the test is run: PING (or LATENCY) - the network delays in milliseconds [ms] when the data is sent between your computer and the Internet.
CA App Synthetic Monitor website monitoring service - Ping 2 days ago · Test your ping. CA App Synthetic Monitor, the reliable web site monitoring service for server performance measurement. Free and paid remote web site … Test débit - www.testdebit.fr ping serveur - le nombre de milisecondes (millième de secondes) permettant la connexion entre l´ordinateur et le serveur d´Internet, qui est messuré via navigateur Si vous voulez les plus précis résultats de messure de vitesse de connexion ne travaillez pas avec Internet et n´encombrez pas votre ordinateur quand le test marche.